Kathleen Beydoun

When writing an essay that requires proof and statistical support, it is crucial that one has the knowledge and available resources to provide readers with credible information. When one is conducting research, they can use the internet and Google their topic. From there, one can determine which sources to use for their writing assignment. Published journals in one’s field of research are very helpful because they provide numerous articles in that provide readers with valid information. Most journals have certain requirements that must be met in order to have work published, so most information is valid and credible. I usually gather as much information and sources as I possible can, and then I go through and only use what I think will be best in helping me write an effective essay.

Jaspreet Hehar

When conducting research, a variety of sources are available for students to use.  The internet, books, journals, articles, and encyclopedias offer a wide range of research in many subject fields.  The internet is as great place to start your research.  Search engines such as Google and Yahoo offer thousands of sources that provide a wide range of information in your research area.  By using these search engines, you can obtain a general research area for your assignment.  However, if the internet is used as a source, it is important to make sure that the website you are using is reliable.  Once a general topic of research has been found, the next step is to find reliable information relating to your subject.  The most reliable sources are journals and articles, because they are most likely written by professionals in your area of research.  Wayne State University offers a great journal database that can be accessed through the library system.  This database offers thousands of articles in subjects ranging from Biology and Medicine, to Law and History.  Databases will allow you to narrow down your research area into one specific topic.  Once you have chosen a specific research question, databases can also provide a wide range of articles on past and present research related to your topic.  The articles or journals that relate to your specific area of research can then be narrowed down to those that are most relevant to your question.  Once you have gathered as much research as possible on your topic, you can begin writing your paper!

Navpreet Hehar

If one wants to write a research project the first task that must be completed is to obtain information to understand the topic.  This is a crucial step that allows the writer to get a general understanding/background information of the topic they wish to discuss.  Some ways one can gather information is through the internet.  Going to Google is an excellent place to start.  Many sites by different institutions are listed for the writer to browse through.  After obtaining general information on the topic, the next step is to go into detail and research a specific topic.  If one wishes to obtain scholarly information from journals or other such databases, the best place to go to is Wayne State University's library system (link provided on side).  The library's system provides many databases and online journals that are organized for a writer to browse through.  Journal articles provide credible information conducted by professionals in many fields.  For me, most of the information gathered for a research project is conducted here.  Not only do journals provide up to date information in my field of health sciences, but archives are also available which provide older articles/studies one can browse through.

Ernada Doko

In order to conduct research, the first and most important step is to understand your topic and what you want to educate readers about your topic. The next step is to explore all types of databases for your topic. Surveying a variety of sources allows you to view the type of information that is out there regarding your topic and might provide you with additional ideas for your writing. Once many databases have been surveyed and you have recognized the main points regarding your topic, you can focus on centralizing on those points. Now that you have centralized your main points, you want to concentrate on qualified resources that provide reliable information. Since this page focuses on the biological field, many qualified and reliable biology sources can be found in journals, books, dissertations, and academically peer-reviewed articles. These are some examples of sources. Yet, all sources must be investigated for validity, expertise, and the accuracy in the content provided. Usually journals have a set criteria of the articles they encompass that you can examine. Once you have obtained the all the research regarding your topic, you can begin the process of writing your paper.

Michael Osman

Search Engines
A search engine is a tool that helps you locate information on the Internet. Searching is used when you don't know the exact address of a particular site, or if you need information on a particular subject for your essay, term paper, or research paper assignment. Sometimes you find credible sources, sometimes not so much.
Ex: Google

Style Guides
A style guide a set of standards for the writing of documents, either for general use or for a specific publication or organization Style guides are prevalent for general and specialized use, for for students and scholars of the various academic disciplines, including medicine, law,business, and industry
Ex: American Political Science Association

Indexes and Journals
An academic journal publishes scholarly and peer-review articles written by experts on the issues. Each academic journal has a peer review board that decides which submissions are acceptable for publication. Academic journals will typically identify their contributors as professors, graduate students, or others with first-hand experience with the subject matter.
Ex: American Political Science Review

Libraries are a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed. Over the past years, libraries have transformed from the traditional sense to digital libraries. Every university has its own digital library over the internet. This feature enables the researcher to search E-books, E-journals, different articles, different scholarly journals, and collection of other items through a catalog.

Mazen Zein

Throughout the course there were certain times were one must be able to conduct specific research on a topic of choice. The research topic or question proposed must be approached in the right manner to achieve the most efficient way of gathering information and answering the question. One must first choose a topic or question, and than plan the research by thinking about what you already know and what you need to know. Writing down keywords or bullets of questions can help in the process. From there devising a time line will help with managing one's time in the research itself. Using books, encyclopedias, journals and any other information or materials that address the topic should be helpful sources of information to collect. While in the process of researching the subject, a bibliography should be kept in order to keep a set of sources one has used. An outline should be formulated to in order to build a strong backbone of the research paper, and to keep the writer moving in the right track. After, all the questions and information that was needed has been answered and collected one should follow through the outline and form the paper.